Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic treatment is to move the teeth into the jawbone and bring them to the desired correct position. In this way, ideal smile aesthetics is provided, and even changes in jaws and faces can be achieved. The duration of orthodontic treatment can generally vary from 6 months to 2 years.
Due to the fact that the teeth can progress at a certain speed in the bone, the treatment period is relatively long. Despite this, orthodontic treatment is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments all over the world. In some countries, it is known that 80% of the population receives orthodontic treatment. The main reason for this is that the desired results can be obtained without damaging the enamel of the teeth.
When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the first and most common method that comes to mind is Orthodontics with Braces. In wire treatment, metal or transparent brackets are bonded to the front surface of the teeth and braces are passed between these brackets. Because of the method’s ease, predictability and low cost, it is often the first-choice method. However, during the long treatment process, various aesthetic methods have been developed to prevent the braces from appearing.
One of them is the internal braces or lingual orthodontic method. In lingual orthodontics, brackets and wires are located on the inner surface of the teeth. Since the inner surface of the teeth is very different and complex, the brackets and wires to be applied must be custom-made. The other method is orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. Transparent aligners are removable orthodontic appliances, their advantage over fixed orthodontic treatments bonded to the teeth is comfort while eating, while the disadvantage is that the appliance is responsible for putting on and taking off during meals.
Minor dental or jaw disorders can be corrected with movable aligners before the age of 12. These treatments are called early orthodontic treatments. From the age of 8, it is decided when the treatment will start with the control of the orthodontist. In all orthodontic treatments, patients have responsibilities.
Patients are expected to come to the controls in an average of 4-8 weeks and have very good oral hygiene. In fixed treatments, foods should be cut and eaten in small bites, and aligners should not be lost in mobile treatments.

Recurrence is a slight movement of the teeth back to their former state, which can be seen after all orthodontic treatments. While the risk of recurrence is highest, especially after the end of wire therapy, recurrence is no longer expected at the end of 1 year. Therefore, 1 year of retention should continue after orthodontic treatments. Retention is the affixing of thin wires with white fillings to the back of the front teeth, and the use of movable clear aligners, especially at night.